New & Noteworthy

17th COMPASS Awards Presentation: Annual Address

July 9, 2012


Ladies and gentlemen, a very good evening.

On behalf of the Chairman and the Board of Directors of COMPASS, I extend our warmest welcome to our distinguished Guest-of-Honour, Ms Grace Fu, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Information, Communications and The Arts and Ministry of The Environment and Water Resources,distinguished guests, COMPASS members and friends.

First of all, it is my great pleasure, on behalf of our membership, to welcome Ms Grace Fu to our music fraternity. We are confident that Ms Fu will provide further impetus to help our community further develop and promote local music in Singapore.

As per normal, I will speak shortly in Malay and Chinese on specific issues before I revert to English. The issues are different and the English translation of my speeches will be on our website.


Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan Ahli COMPASS dan Karyawan muzik Melayu Singapura. Salam sejahtera.

Setelah satu tahun berlalu, saya dapat menghadiri beberapa kegiatan dan konsert dimana artis-artis dan karyawan muzik tempatan telah memainkan peranan penting. Saya amat gembira dengan bertambahnya pelibatan artis-artis kita dan mendapat sambutan luar biasa dari peminat-peminat Singapura. Sorakan dan tepokan gemuruh telah memberi semangat motivasi kepada artis-artis tempatan. Saya juga percaya, kita dapat mengeratkan ikatan masyarakat dan juga perpaduan rakyat Singapura menerusi muzik tempatan.

Kita tidah harus ambil mudah. COMPASS bersama ahli-ahlinya dan PERKAMUS akan terus mencari idea-idea baru dan inisiatif untuk perkembangan industri muzik Melayu tempatan.

Tahun lalu kita telah menyokong beberapa inisiatif baru. Oleh kerana kesuntukan masa, saya hanya dapat menyebut beberapa kegiatan di sini.

Anugerah Planet Muzik pada bulan Julai tahun lalu telah menjadikan satu pentas yang cemerlang untuk artis-artis tempatan berganding bahu dengan artis-artis Malaysia dan Indonesia sebagai satu peluang pendedahan kepada mereka di peringkat Nusantara. Saya tidak nampak adanya jurang perbezaan antara artis ketiga-tiga Negara ini. Walau bagaimana pun kita harus sedia bersaing antara mereka.

Satu ruang yang harus diberi perhatian ialah membuka peluang kepada artis-artis dan kumpulan tempatan mempersembahkan muzik mereka secara langsung, agar mereka dapat mendalami bakat mereka. Platform persembahan yang kita ada, agak terhad berbanding negara negara yang lebih besar.

Karyawan muzik professional sama dengan bidang-bidang professional yang lain, bukan hanya bergantung kepada bakat sahaja, malah ia memerlukan latihan dan menambah pengalaman untuk menjadi benar-benar seorang penghibur.

Kejayaan peringkat akhir Projek Rentak 2011 di Ford Canning telah dapat menarik hampir enam ribu peminat. Lagu-lagu yang terpilih untuk peringkat akhir juga merupakan lagu-lagu yang berkualiti.

Saya ingin menyampaikan ucapan tahniah kepada station radio MediaCorp bahagian Melayu yang memberi sokongan kepada industri muzik Melayu tempatan. Khususnya kepada Puan Zakiah Halim, Naib Presiden Mediacorp program Melayu dan India.

Band Stand Elektra dan Anugerah V telah mencapai kejayaan luarbiasa sebagai satu-satunya rancangan TV Melayu yang sangat menarik dan memberi perangsang kepada artis tempatan. COMPASS dengan bangga menaja hadiah khusus di dalam peraduan ini. Program ini dapat menggalak golongan remaja dan dewasa memperkukuh ikatan keluarga dalam menghargai muzik kita sebagai seni dan budaya bangsa. Sekali lagi Tahniah dan Penghargaan yang amat tinggi kepada TV Suria, istimewa sekali kepada Saudara Suhaimi Jais, Naib Presiden (kanan) Television Suria.

COMPASS bersama PERKAMUS akan meneruskan beberapa kegiatan dan program untuk tahun mendatang. Kami menanti pelibatan aktif anda bersama . Terima Kasih

Translation of Malay Speech

Over the past one year, I have attended a number of events and concerts which featured mainly our local artists and songwriters. I am happy to note that there is a significant increase in the number of music fans supporting our local artists. The applause and cheering from Singaporeans are the best motivation for our local artists. I also believe through enjoying local music together, we can strengthen our community bond as Singaporeans.

We should not take things for granted. COMPASS together with our members and PERKAMUS will continue to look for new ideas and initiatives to stimulate and develop the local Malay music industry.

Last year, we supported some such new initiatives. However, in view of time limit, I will just mention a few here.

The Anugerah Planet Muzik, held in July last year provided an excellent platform for our local artists to perform with those from Malaysia and Indonesia giving them regional exposure. I did not see significant gaps among artists from the three countries. However, we need to keep up with regional competition. One area probably we need to look into is to give more opportunities to our local artists and bands to perform “live” so that they can hone their performing skills. We do not have the advantage of other bigger countries where opportunities to perform and grow are plentiful. Music professionals, like other professions, do not depend on natural talent alone, they need to practise and accumulate the necessary experience to become truly entertaining artists.

The final of the Project Rentak 2011 was successfully held at the Fort Canning Hill with a full capacity turnout of six thousand fans. The songs that were shortlisted for the final were also of commercial quality.

I would like to thank the Malay radio stations of MediaCorp for supporting the local Malay music industry, in particular, Zakiah Halim, Vice President of MediaCorp / Malay and Indian Programming.

Banstand Elekra and Anugerah V were successful and first-of-its-kind TV programmes showcasing our local music in innovative and interesting way. COMPASS has great satisfaction in sponsoring the prizes for these competitions.

These programmes encouraged young and old, together in a family, to enjoy and appreciate our rich music culture. Here again, congratulations and deep appreciation to TV Suria for such commendable and creative programming. The one that deserves special mention is none other than Suhaimi Jais, Senior Vice President of Television Suria.

COMPASS together with PERKAMUS would roll out other activities and programmes this coming year. We look forward to your active participation.




新加坡虽有不少歌手和音乐人扬名海外,但我认为中国庞大的市场仍有很大的发展空间,可容纳更多优秀的艺人和创作人。众所周知海蝶是带领本地音乐人走向海外发展的先锋。除了海蝶,我很高兴另一家本地唱片公司 Funkie Monkies 也已培育了多位创作歌手,并以他们独特的音乐风格在海外音乐排行榜上屡创佳绩。我国的媒体发展管理局已和各个相关机构开始研究如何帮助本地音乐界开拓海外市场。我们期待有关政府部门能提供帮助改善本地音乐公司的方案,提高我们在海外市场的竞争力。

我们也可以借鉴韩国流行音乐产业(K-pop)。去年新加坡10大最卖座的演唱会中,K-pop 就占了三场。K-pop之所以会风靡全球,其中一个原因就是韩国音乐产业透过韩剧和电视台,尤其紧密地与销售电子产品的韩国跨国公司合作,在海外共创天地。




音乐的力量能团结人心。今年 5 月我观看了"重逢新谣 30 周年"演唱会,两场演唱会几乎座无虚席。观众随着耳熟能详的歌曲,重温成长的岁月,乐在其中。这就是音乐的力量,也是我们共同拥有的民间的音乐文化。

Translation of Chinese Speech

I have been reporting on developments in China over the last few years as I know it is and will continue to be the most important market for our local artists and songwriters. There is some positive news. Our counterpart in China MCSC has chalked up a high growth rate of 30% last year. Hopefully is a sign that things are turning around after years of struggle for songwriters’ rights for remuneration. By now MCSC should have licensed some over 40 broadcasters in Mainland China. There are many more to go.

We have a number of local artists who have made a name for themselves. I think there is room to groom more artists and songwriters to do well in China. Besides Ocean Butterflies which has been the leading label getting our musicians into overseas markets, I am also glad to know another local label, Funkie Monkies, have been grooming a few singer-songwriters and are doing well in music charts overseas with their distinctive music. Our Media Development Authority has engaged the various stakeholders on how to help the local music industry and we look forward to some help schemes for our local music companies to compete in overseas markets.

The K-pop industry is something we can aspire to become. In Singapore, among the top 10 best-selling concerts in 2011, three of them featured Korean artists. You cannot help but noticed the concerted overseas marketing effort of the Korean music industry working closely together with their television stations through Korean dramas and some of their major international companies especially those selling electronic devices.

Tonight, we are presenting two very meaning awards to two distinguished Singaporeans who have contributed to the development of our local classical and choral music in different ways.

We will be conferring the Life Time Achievement Award to a respectable senior member who has spent many years selflessly nurturing our limited talent pool in choral music. He has also volunteered his service serving in important leadership role in a few art organisations. He is also an accomplished composer and conductor.

We are also honoured to present our Patron of the Songwriters Award to a person I considered “special” in our Awards history. He is a famous and successful entrepreneur who is also a arts philanthropist. He has made generous donations to the arts community especially in the field of music. On top of being an avid lover of music, he himself is also a composer and conductor. We are very grateful that he is with us tonight for us to express our unreserved thanks to him.

Music can unite people in amazing way. I attended the Xin Yao 30th Anniversary reunion concert in May this year. The two shows were fully sold out. The response of the audience singing together in harmony without difficulty recollecting the lyrics, is indicative of the power of music to evoke treasured memories of the past. This is precisely what we call our own culture.


Ladies and Gentlemen

Last year, COMPASS achieved another impressive growth in revenue with an all-time low expense-to-revenue ratio which I have reported at the AGM last Thursday.

As we become a bigger family, we have to ensure that our obligation to our members, in terms of transparency and accountability, continue to be management’s top priority. At the same time we also have to maintain public confidence in our organization.

There are a number of Collective Management Organisations (CMOs) in Singapore which administer different aspects of music copyright like the Recording Industry Association of Singapore (RIPS) which administers the sound recording rights of music labels. I am very pleased to announce that five CMOs , representing different interest groups in the administration of copyright licences have come together to establish a Code of Conduct, with the objective of creating and maintaining a self-regulatory framework that enhances transparency and accountability to both copyright holders and copyright users.

The Code of Conduct sets out the principles and standards of services for CMOs, which among other things, to provide efficient, fair and low cost procedures to handle complaints and resolve disputes. An independent Code Reviewer will be appointed to audit participating CMOs on a regular basis to ensure compliance.

Next, with great sadness, I would like to acknowledge the sad passing away of two distinguished people, who have, directly or indirectly, contributed to the development of our organization.

On May 20th this year, Robin Gibb, the President of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), departed. COMPASS is a member of CISAC since its establishment and I was the Chairman for the Asia-Pacific region for over 10 years. Of course many of us remember Robin Gibb as a member of the world-renowned trio, the Bee Gees, he is also a successful solo artist, composer, and lesser-known, as a champion of creators’ rights. As the President of CISAC for the last five years, he had fought tirelessly for creators’ rights, especially voicing his concerns for the situation in China and India. Obviously, he wanted to repay the Intellectual Property system that has brought about his phenomenal success.

On 18th September last year, our long-time Director, the late Mr Lim Tiat Seng was called home after a brief period of illness. He served on our Board selflessly for almost twenty one years. We are grateful and indebted to the late Tiat Seng for his critical contributions which laid the foundation for our success today. He was also a very kind and generous man. This evening’s opening music performances by Gan Eng Seng Primary School were arranged by the late Tiat Seng, who spent his last lap of life nurturing the young. We will miss him.

Tonight, besides celebrating Singapore music, we also want to confer special awards to two well-respected individuals for their contributions to the development of local music in Singapore.

We are honoured to present our “Patron of the Songwriters” Award to a person I considered “special” in the history of our Awards. This is the first time we are conferring the award on a successful entrepreneur who is also an arts philanthropist. He has made generous donations to the arts community especially in the field of music. On top of being an avid lover of music, he himself is also a composer and conductor. We are very grateful that he is with us tonight for us to express our unreserved thanks to him.

Another highlight of this year’s presentation is the “COMPASS Life Time Achievement Award” to honour an outstanding musician, well-known to all of us, a respectable senior member who has spent many years selflessly nurturing our limited talent pool in choral music. He has also volunteered his service serving in important leadership role in a few art organisations. He is also an accomplished composer and conductor too.

On the international stage, we warmly welcome back our heroine, member and artiste, Tanya, for winning the Best Mandarin Female Singer at the 23rd Golden Melody Awards (Taiwanese equivalent of the Grammys). Heartiest congratulations to her. She will be here on stage later to share her happiness with us.

And onto sports, catching on the Euro Cup fever, this year’s Dollah Kassim Charity Cup will be revamped and co-organised by PERKAMUS and COMPASS. The event is non-competitive in nature with the overriding objective of encouraging interaction among musicians, actors, journalists, media personnel and management of these organisations. The tentative teams will be COMPASS-Perkamus, Suria, Berita Harian, New Paper, and Singapore Music Society.

Finally, on behalf of the membership, I would like once again to thank our guest-of-honour, Ms Grace Foo, for her presence in gracing the occasion. Many thanks to all the people who are contributing to this evening’s performances including our Director Mel Ferdinands, and our PR manager Rachel and Fiona for shouldering the responsibility of organising this event. And of course last but definitely not least, Justinand Chermaine, for hosting the event. So everyone just relax and enjoy your evening. Thank you.

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