Music Users

Licences, Permits and Other Forms

Goverment Office/Department and HBD Area Office/Town Council

Download Application
Mechanical Music Cost
1st 100 square metres $140 per year
For each additional 25 sq.m. between 101 and 500 sq.m. $ 18 per year
For each additional 100 sq.m. between 501 and 1,000 sq.m. $ 65 per year
For each additional 250 sq.m. between 1,001 and 5,000 sq.m. $150 per year
For each additional 1,000 sq.m. between 5,001 and 10,000 sq.m $168 per year
For each additional 1,000 sq.m. between 10,001 and 15,000 sq.m. $112 per year
For each additional 1,000 sq.m. between 15,001 and 30,000 sq.m. $103 per year
For each additional 1,000 sq.m. over 30,000 sq.m. $ 93 per year

Annual licence fees are subject to a minimum charge of $219.00.