Board Meeting for Member Approval (Jan 2010)
Member Applications approved! New members will receive their member certificate and membership card within the next 30 days.
Member Applications approved! New members will receive their member certificate and membership card within the next 30 days.
50% discount off ticket categories – $148, $128 and $98. Simply present your COMPASS membership card at any SISTIC outlets to enjoy this discount. Note: Discount not available through phone and Internet bookings.
With a common objective to nurture and promote the local Malay music industry Mediacorp and Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Ltd (COMPASS) agreed to collaborate and work on the production of We noted Mediacorp’s announcement on their decision to review the project. Whilst we naturally regret that the project cannot be materialized at… [Read more]
掌握技巧,创造流行!顶尖师资,绝无仅有! 流行歌曲的歌词可说是当代社会最为普及的文学文本,歌词作品的用语和意识,对社会大众影响深远。新加坡的中文流行歌曲作品在华人世界乐坛早已获得肯定,然而近十年来的本地歌词写作,始终是本地创作中最弱的环节,写词人有青黄不接的现象,已是公认的事实。有感于此,新加坡词曲版权协会与南洋理工大学孔子学院决定联合开办“中文流行歌词创作”,为本地音乐与中华文化的传承,尽一份力! “中文流行歌词创作”旨在加强本地人对中文歌词的认识,提高学员对中文流行歌词的鉴赏、分析和写作能力,从而培养本地写词新人。课程内容涵盖面广,兼顾理论和实践,让学员有机会从歌词文类发展的纵向层面,及当代歌词写作趋势的横向层面,了解中文歌词的写作窍门。学员也有机会在课程中学习写词和填词,并获得本地顶尖写词人的宝贵意见。 本课程破天荒邀得多位本地资深优秀写词人担任讲师,黄金阵容,堪称前所未有。课程讲师包括梁文福、吴庆康、木子、邢增华、王芮齐。多位讲师都有许多备受海内外肯定的经典歌词作品,得奖无数,更有多年的乐坛工作或授课经验。他们平时非常忙碌,难得答应此类邀约,此次本着培育本地写词接班人的诚意,连袂授课,对中文歌词感兴趣的人士,万勿错过。 完成课程的学员将获新加坡词曲版权协会与南洋理工大学孔子学院联合颁发之证书。 课程安排 开课日期 2009年1月6日(农历新年休息一周) 时间 每周二傍晚7点30分至9点30分(每周2小时x 12周) 地点 南洋理工大学孔子学院讲堂(邻近Buona Vista 地铁站) 课程内容概要 一、歌词的基本概念 二、歌词创作的起点 三、歌词的类型 四、歌词和音乐的配合 五、歌词写作的文学技巧 六、歌词和社会的结合 七、写词专业化的条件 八、实践课与习作评讲 课程学费 课程收费 公众:S$720 优待 在籍学生(凭学生证):S$360* 南洋理工大学、新加坡词曲版权协会会员与教师:S$600 *需至少两位学员同时报名 缴费方式 划线支票、NETS或信用卡 【DBS信用卡:6个月免利息分期付费(至少$500以上)】 报名截止日期为2008年12月26日。 有兴趣者可按此下载表格,或拨电孔子学院洽询。 联系人: 李彩玲Ms Li Cailing 电话号码:6514 1934 电邮
Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS), MediaCorp Suria, MediaCorp Radio Warna and Ria, and today announce their first collaboration in the production of, an awards show that honours the best in the local Malay music industry. The inaugural awards show also recognises and celebrates the contributions made by the talents to the Malay… [Read more]
Call for Submissions of Instrumental/Ambient Music If you like your music to be be heard at the Changi Airport Terminals, we like to hear from you! Singapore’s Changi Airport which saw 36.7 million passenger movements for the year 2007, and recently registered an increase of 6.7% passenger traffic in the first quarter of 2008, has… [Read more]
Amendments to the society’s Article of Association proposed and approved at the society’s 21st AGM held on 30 June 2008 are as follows:- 1. PRELIMINARY a) That a new Article 1(xxii) be inserted as follows Personal Representative of the Member means the stated beneficiary (or beneficiaries) or the executor or administrator or trustee of his… [Read more]
Project Rentak”, a Malay language songwriting competition presented by COMPASS, Ria 89.7FM and Warna 94.2 FM and supported by PERKAMUS. The competition starts on 28th April 2008 and will end with a grand finale on 16th August 2008 featuring the top 2 songs from the competition and the current local Malay hit songs and artistes…. [Read more]
INVITATION TO APPLY FOR THE BMW MUSICA VIVA COMPOSTITION PRIZE FIFTH CALL: WORK FOR VOICE AND ORCHESTRA (; For more information about the competition, please contact Mr. Michael TH Lim, Regional Manager, Corporate Affairs of BMW Asia at 6838 9638 or On the initiative of the Artistic Director of the musica viva, Prof…. [Read more]