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Viewing 10 of 16 Spotlight On Music Creators Posts

August 2019’s Feature – 黎沸揮 (Roy Loi)

從小酷愛搖滾樂的黎沸揮, 在新謠時期加入了青青草新謠小組, 開始了歌曲創作的生涯。相當活躍於新謠活動的他為首兩屆新謠節而寫了”我們等你”和”在世界放光芒”。1987年和陳佳明合作了”關於愛情” (亞太流行歌曲創作比賽總決賽12強作品, 早期致力於新謠創作的他和老友巫啟賢合作密切, 極力為啟賢創作了”太陽眼鏡”, “啤酒周圍的故事”, “再一次戀愛”, “相愛就是這種感覺”和”你好嗎”。至1988年開始, 黎沸揮從幕后轉戰台前, 前后發行了8張個人專輯。其中“等你等到我心痛”專輯更是唱到街頭巷尾。曾到台灣發展近10年的他, 曾於多名新馬港台著名歌手和音樂制作人合作。 合作過的藝人 呂方(香港), 關淑儀, 關之琳, 巫啟賢(馬來西亞), 坣娜(台灣), 關徳輝(馬來西亞), 李宗盛(台灣), 張信哲, 張學友(香港), 劉嘉玲, 陳曉東, 鄭伊健, 陳小春, 張柏芝, 林億蓮, 劉德華, 許美靜(新加坡),李惠敏(香港), 彭佳慧(台灣), 林凡, 蘇有朋, 李彩樺(香港), 梁靜茹(馬來西亞), 阿杜(新加坡), 潘嘉麗, 蕭亞軒(台灣)。 2006-2010担任多届8频道全国大型歌唱比赛《絕對Superstar》《校園Superstar》評審工作, 也在2008年举办个人首个作品演唱会。之后也参与本地电影【孩子不坏】和3季的8频道环境剧【118】的演出。 2018年, 黎沸挥受邀出席成都电视台【围炉音乐会】节目与巫启贤一同说唱。同年也到上海出席年度大型音乐盛会, 他的创作【爱如潮水】更获颁【至尊金曲创作大奖】。 COMPASS: 写了这么多年的歌, 哪首歌让你留下深刻印象? 为什么? 沸揮: 在【不夜城】时候的创作, 可以说是无拘无束, 天马行空, 我觉得那个时候创作概念最多, 像【啤酒周围的故事】【我想说的是】【相爱就是这种感觉】完全是依着自己喜欢的音乐类型而创作的, 之后的【爱如潮水】【等你等到我心痛】【心如刀割】【冲动】等歌曲也有其创作的故事背景。有故事的歌像是我的音乐生涯的美好记忆。  … [Read more]

5 years, 5 months ago

July 2019’s Feature – Izat Ibrahim

Izat Ibrahim started his singing career since 2014. He performs and sings at various bars and clubs such as Octapas Spanish Bar, The Pumproom, Beer Market, Le Noir, Highlander and Timbre just to name a few. He was also the lead singer of 19-piece batucada band MOTUS, who have performed at multiple music festivals such… [Read more]

5 years, 6 months ago

June 2019’s Feature – Alif Abdullah

From humble beginnings to unquestionable success – Alif’s story is an exceptional one. The Singapore-born rapper, producer and songwriter casts a long and storied shadow in Southeast Asia. Emerging as an industry leader with one of Singapore’s most influential hip-hop groups SleeQ, he quickly established himself as a potent MC on the mic and as… [Read more]

5 years, 7 months ago

May 2019’s Feature – Tat Tong

Tat Tong is a Los Angeles-based Singaporean music producer, songwriter, and recording artist. As a member of hitmaking duo The Swaggernautz with Jovany Javier, his discography includes 20x platinum certifications, with over 20 #1 hits out of over 60 Top 20 hits spanning 5 continents worldwide. He is a signed songwriter with Universal Music Publishing,… [Read more]

5 years, 8 months ago

April 2019’s Feature – Serene Koong

Serene Koong 龚芝怡 is a singer, songwriter and producer from Singapore who has been acclaimed in the music industry with 8 major career awards, at the Global Chinese Golden Chart Awards (3 times), Singapore Hit Awards (3 times), Star Awards 20 and Compass Awards. Her breakout hit “幸福不难”, which was awarded “Top Local Soundtrack” at… [Read more]

5 years, 9 months ago

March 2019’s Feature – Zeeaura

Zeeaura, a singer-songwriter and music educator based in Singapore, uses music and words to share her experiences in a fast developing city where home is a competitive place to be. Rather than measuring success by financial stability and excellence in academics, she believes that art is a way to bring people together to create a… [Read more]

5 years, 10 months ago

February 2019’s Feature – Sezairi

Sezairi has won the hearts of many with his boy-next-door charm and musicality. A great live performer and musician, Sezairi is a class act. Inheriting genes from his father, an avid audiophile, Sezairi first discovered music at the tender age of only 5 years old. His very first song was Isabella, a Malay rock song… [Read more]

5 years, 11 months ago

January 2019’s Feature – Linying

A contemporary pop singer and songwriter with a flair for heartfelt lyrics and inventive production, Linying represents both the tenacity and vulnerability of her own starry-eyed generation in songs about coming of age and coming to terms. Upon receiving a chance email from a pair of European house music DJs requesting her vocals to be… [Read more]

6 years, 8 days ago

December 2018’s Feature – Charlie Lim

Charlie Lim is a singer-songwriter/producer based in Singapore, whose debut record clinched the #1 spot on the iTunes Singapore chart and was named Best Pop Album of the Year by The Straits Times and awarded Best Song of the Year by Apple Music Singapore. Gathering accolades and prominent festival slots along the way, including a… [Read more]

6 years, 1 month ago

November 2018’s Feature – Haneri

Formerly known as Daphne Khoo, Haneri first found music success in Singapore where the Australian Chinese singer came in 3rd runner up on the pioneer season of Singapore Idol. She has since performed on a wide range of stages from intimate showcases partnering with Starbucks Singapore to the biggest arena in Singapore for the opening… [Read more]

6 years, 2 months ago