Music Creators

Frequently Asked Questions

I have been approached by event organizers to waive the Royalties for public performance of my works. Can I do that? Answer Close

No. By virtue of the deed of assignment, you have transferred the performing rights to COMPASS for administration. As a matter of policy, COMPASS does not accede to such requests, as it will disrupt the consistency in our licensing endeavours, inadvertently increasing operating costs.

What are Grand Rights? Answer Close

“Grand rights” generally refer to “dramatic” performing rights. This includes but is not limited to, performances such as musical compositions in a dramatic setting in its entirety, where there is narration, plot and/or costumes and scenery, as well as operas, operettas, ballets, musical comedies. The copyright owner(s) has the exclusive right to issue licenses and collect fees for such rights. The use of such musical works, not in its entirety or in a non-dramatic public performance is not considered Grand Rights.

Does COMPASS administer grand rights? Answer Close

As a matter of policy, COMPASS does not administer and license Grand Right performances in Singapore in its licensing endeavours unless specifically requested by its interested parties to do so.

Can I register my works before they are published? Answer Close

Yes, you may register your works even before they are published. But do remember to update us on all details upon signing with a music publisher, or if there are changes upon release, eg. song title, lyricist etc.

I do not remember whether I have registered with COMPASS for some of my works. How do I verify? Answer Close

It will be best to notify us of any new works once they are created so that we can have complete record of your repertoire. You may contact us to request for the list to be sent to you via mail. Do remember to register works that are not reflected on this list.

Can I register the songs co-written by my band members under the band’s name? Answer Close

No. COMPASS recognizes Members as independent songwriters to facilitate royalty distribution. This is to avoid complications should there be any changes in the band ensemble.

I have re-arranged Public Domain works. Can I register them? Answer Close

Yes. Re-arrangers of Public Domain works are afforded the rights of an original composer. If you do not register these titles, you will lose out on royalties that should be paid to you.

How does COMPASS monitor usage of my works? Answer Close

COMPASS requests for music cue sheets and playlists from music users. Where possible, one hundred percent analysis of the music used will be used to distribute the royalty, as in the case with concerts. However, this may not be possible and/or feasible for all types of music usage. For example, it will not be cost efficient for COMPASS to monitor the songs played on the various stations round the clock on a daily basis. Thus sampling is done. Performances that are omitted in the analysis due to sampling, are compensated by means of Unlogged Performance Allocations (UPA) (see distribution rules. )Members are also encouraged to provide Miscellaneous Program Returns to the Society of their performances locally and overseas as another means of keeping track of performances to aid In accurate distribution.

How often does COMPASS distribute royalty? Answer Close

Performing royalties are processed twice yearly (end April and end October). However, where the royalty amount in April does not exceed S$100 and S$1000 respectively for local Members and international Societies, the amount will be withheld and distributed together with the October distributions. Payment will be made 1 week after the processing.

Royalties received from international Societies are distributed independently of the local distributions and are done within this 2 distributions upon the receipt of the statements from the overseas societies.

Reproduction Royalties amounting to $50.00 or more are distributed to Members upon receipt, otherwise it will be combined with Performing Rights Royalty distribution. Statements will be issued with details of the song usage.

My co-writer is a non-Member. What happens to his royalty? Answer Close

If one of the interested parties of a COMPASS originated work is not a Member, the royalties of the non-member will be placed in the Non-Member Special Account (SN). The royalties will be held until the non-member becomes a Member, upon which the amount will be released. If the non-member does not become a Member by the following Distribution period, such royalties will be placed in the Undistributable Royalties Special Account (SU), to be distributed with the subsequent general distribution. For non-COMPASS works, the CISAC Warsaw Rule will apply if only one of the writers is identified at the time of distribution.

I am an arranger of copyright music. Can I claim royalty from COMPASS? Answer Close

No. COMPASS does not pay the arranger any royalty unless specifically instructed by the original copyright owner(s). Note that permission should always be sought from the copyright owner(s) before making an arrangement of the work.

Do I have to declare my royalty earnings in my income tax statement? Answer Close

Yes, royalty earnings are subjected to taxation.

If my works are performed overseas, do I have to join the Society there in order for me to collect my royalties? Answer Close

Not necessary. COMPASS has reciprocal agreements with many similar performing Societies around the world including those in Hong Kong, USA, UK and Australia. Under these agreements, COMPASS’s repertoire is assigned to these Societies and vice versa. Through such an arrangement, COMPASS Members’ works are controlled and administered by these foreign Societies in their respective countries, which means that if your works are performed in their territories, you get paid via COMPASS.

I have been approached by companies to put my music on their websites. What are the issues that I should be aware of? Answer Close

By allowing your music to be put on the internet, there are two aspects of Copyright that you need to examine:-

Performing Rights, which is the right to broadcast your music through the internet. Please check with COMPASS to enquire if the website has been licensed.

Reproduction Rights, which is the right to upload and/or download your music through the internet.

If you have assigned your rights to a music publisher, inform them about the matter. Similarly, if you have assigned your rights to COMPASS, inform us immediately and we will handle the matter for you. If you have not assigned your rights to anyone and are agreeable to putting your music on their websites, do go through the contract thoroughly to ensure that you do not relinquish your Copyright, and that you can terminate the agreement at any point in time. In addition, you may want to ensure that you are properly credited.

I have seen my works being used on the internet. Will COMPASS collect and distribute my performing royalty to me? Answer Close

This depends on the location of the company who owns the website, or where the server is situated. The local performing rights Society is responsible for collection of the royalty. However, to ensure that you are duly rewarded for exploitation of your work, do keep us informed of any such websites so that appropriate action can be taken.

My song has been used in a compilation album. How do I go about collecting my Royalties? Answer Close

If you have assigned your Reproduction Rights to a music publisher, your music publisher will collect on your behalf. If not, you may approach the record company for your royalties. Alternatively, you may assign your rights to COMPASS to collect on your behalf.