What documentary proof can COMPASS provide to show its authority to collect royalties for composers/authors? Answer
All music Copyrights administered by COMPASS are fully backed-up by law. We maintain the deeds of assignment indicating the transfer of Copyrights from our members (Composers, Lyricists, Publishers) to COMPASS. We also have Reciprocal Representation Agreements with international Societies, transferring the exclusive right to license their repertoire in Singapore to COMPASS. You can view these documents at our office at a mutually convenient time. These documents have also been presented in the Copyright Tribunal and the courts on numerous occasions in civil and criminal suits against those who infringe Copyrights. In fact, many government departments, which are extremely cautious in monetary matters, are also paying royalties to COMPASS.
Where does the money collected by COMPASS go? Answer
COMPASS is a non-profit organization established to collect royalties on behalf of its Members and Members of its affiliate Societies, around the world. Licence fees collected are distributed to Composers, Authors and Music Publishers represented by COMPASS and its affiliate Societies after the deduction of administration charges.
How do we know that music writers are paid? Answer
COMPASS is a public company formed under the Companies Act. As such, any member of the public can obtain a copy of the audited annual accounts, which will clearly show that royalties collected, less administration costs, are all distributed out to Members and affiliate Societies. COMPASS also pays very little company tax as it does not make any profit from its licensing operations. The administration costs, which vary yearly between 15% -18%, are to sustain the administration and enforcement operations of the Society. COMPASS is willing to show the audited accounts to any member of the public, in our office, at a mutually convenient time.
How do I know that the songs I play are Copyright protected? Answer
By virtue of our reciprocal agreements with international Societies, COMPASS protects an extensive repertoire written by thousands of Songwriters and Composers worldwide. This repertoire, which contains over 14 million titles, includes virtually all current and contemporary compositions that are commonly played or heard in pubs, theatres and other public places. Under the law, it is the duty of every music user to ensure that the songs played do not infringe on any Copyright, and that due consent is obtained before Copyright works are used.
If the law protects Authors and Composers, why don’t they protect my business? Answer
Different laws protect various interests in different sectors of society. The Copyright Act of Singapore 1987 protects the economic interest(s) of creators of original works including Composers and Lyricists. The Law is not discriminating against businesses using music. With the proper enforcement of the Copyright Law, music writers who depend on royalties for their livelihood will be able to create music in a more conducive environment. The main principle of the Copyright Law is that no one, in particular those profit-oriented businesses, should exploit someone else’s work without due compensation to the composer.
We do not operate every day, or play music all the time, and our place is not always filled to maximum capacity. Shouldn’t the licensing fee be adjusted to reflect our actual music usage? Answer
In formulating the various tariff schemes for music users, COMPASS has already taken into consideration these factors. Adjustments have therefore been made in the rates to address these concerns. As a COMPASS Licence is issued on an annual basis, licence fees cannot be based on anything less than a year. It is important to note, however, that the licence fee, in general, is only a minor expenditure in your business’ entire operating costs, whereas the music provided is often an indispensable item in the service or entertainment provided by your business.
I bought original discs for my lounge. Do I still need to pay a fee to use them? Answer
These discs sold, to you, are meant for domestic use only. If you are using them in your business, Copyright fees are payable.
When must payments be made? Answer
Payments for Permits must be made at least three (03) working days prior to the event. Annual licence fees must be paid before the new licence period commences.
We are a non-profit organisation. Do we still have to apply for a Licence? Answer
As long as you use Copyright musical works, you need a Licence. However in certain cases, where proceeds go to charity, a Licence may be granted at a nominal fee, at the Society’s discretion.
I already have a Licence for Public Entertainment, why do I need another Licence from COMPASS? Answer
A Public Entertainment Licence (PEL) is required when you organize any entertainment activity in public. However, if the entertainment provided involves the use of Copyright musical works, you are also required to obtain a Copyright Music Licence under the Copyright Act of Singapore 1987.
My company already has a Licence from RIPS. Why do I need an additional Licence from COMPASS? Answer
RIPS govern public performances of video pictures of karaoke discs belonging to its members. COMPASS grants the Licence for the use of Copyright Music used in these and other videos.
What if I don’t have a Licence? Answer
Music users who don’t have a Licence will be committing an offence under The Copyright Act of Singapore 1987. Offenders are liable to civil and/or criminal proceedings, which may lead to injunctions, damages, fines and imprisonment.
I am thinking of producing a CD of some songs composed by other writers. How do I go about it without infringing any Copyright? Answer
You are required to seek Copyright clearance and permission from the Copyright owners of the songs. If you have no information on the rightful Copyright owners of the song, COMPASS may be able to assist you.
How much Royalties do I pay for the use of Copyright songs. Can COMPASS advise me on the rates? Answer
COMPASS is unable to advise on a standard rate as permission and agreeable royalty for each song has to be individually sought from the respective Copyright owners.
What are the clearances I need for producing a VCD with Copyright songs? Answer
To produce a VCD with Copyright Musical Works, you are required to obtain clearances for Synchronization Rights and Reproduction Rights. If you are using original Sound Recordings, Recording Rights clearance have to also be obtained.
How many seconds or bars of a song may I use before I need clearance? Answer
You will have to seek clearance for usage of any Copyright material beforehand, or it may constitute an infringement. It is a myth that no clearance is necessary to use a few bars or a few seconds from a Copyright Musical Work.